My name is Kyler Smith, and I am a Junior attending Galesburg High School. Some activitiesI’m ... Learn More

Kyler Smith
About Me
My name is Kyler Smith, and I am a Junior attending Galesburg High School. Some activitiesI’m apart of include playing soccer for the Boys Varsity team at GHS. I start at the goalkeeperposition, and this is my third year playing. I have a job at Bunker Links Golf Course located inGalesburg, and I also ref sports for the YMCA, like soccer and basketball. My plans for afterhigh school include going to college to major in Sports medicine, and to also hopefully playsoccer. I joined the CEO Knox County program after being told by a friend that it was a greatexperience to learn a lot about business and the real world. I am excited for this opportunity tocreate my own business, and I hope that it can be as successful as I want it to be.