Hello, My name is Jake Potter I am 16 and I am a Junior at Galesburg Christian School. The ... Learn More

Jacob Potter
About Me
Hello, My name is Jake Potter I am 16 and I am a Junior at Galesburg Christian School. The extra curriculum activities I participate in are soccer and volleyball, I have played varsity in both sports since my freshman year. My sophomore year in soccer I was awarded the Most Improved Player award and this past summer I went to Maranatha University for a volleyball camp and I received the MVP award. After High School I would like to attend Judson University to major in Graphic Design and to play volleyball. After I attend Judson I would like to go to Pensole Academy in Portland which is an Academy specifically for designing shoes. I am excited to be in the CEO program because I would like to start my shoe customization business and I heard from a friend that this would be a good place to start.