What’s up! My name is Camden Cox, I’m 16 and a Junior at Galesburg Jr/Sr High School! I ... Learn More

Camden Cox
About Me
What’s up! My name is Camden Cox, I’m 16 and a Junior at Galesburg Jr/Sr High School! I am involved in Student Council, Interact, Key Club, World Language Club, Marching Band, Theatre, and Tennis. As you can see, I like to try new things. When I start something, I am committed to it, no matter the situation. I always want to improve and be the best I can. I applied to the CEO program to get out of my comfort zone and have this amazing experience that most people don’t get. When an opportunity comes my way, I always want to take it by the horns. I also played baseball and doing that all my life taught me that success happens when hard work is put in. I want to learn how to network better, become entrepreneurial, and overall a better businessman. I’m a hard worker, determined, and I get jobs done. My favorite things to do are to hang out with my friends/family, play video games, and listen to music (very basic I know). For a long time, I’ve wanted to be a film director, and with this classes help, I hopefully will achieve this goal, maybe even start my own film company! I strive to do my best in everything, especially in school, where I’m on the High Honor Roll. I’m so glad I’m taking this class and have learned so much in just this first month, I can’t wait to see what else is in store for us!